Beware fraudulent investments

There is one hard and fast rule that you should always follow when it comes to identifying fraudulent investment schemes: if it sounds too good to be true then it most likely is. While there are some investment opportunities that have the potential to yield massive returns, there will always be a proportionate degree of…

Choosing a bank account

Differentiating between bank accounts can be a tedious task, and many people will simply choose an institution that they are familiar with. There is, of course, a lot to be said for trusting your financial institution. Furthermore, you may be able to bundle your new account with existing ones to get a discount or some…

Tips for managing cashflow

Cashflow is essentially the lifeblood of your business, and it is about much more than being successful. In addition to raising revenue, a healthy cashflow is determined by organisation and planning. Here are some tips for managing your cashflow Set targets: Set yourself realistic targets that will meet your business’s needs for the next six…

The art of negotiation

Successful negotiators understand how to negotiate so that both parties feel like they are winning. Preparation is the key. Knowing what to concede, when to compromise, and how to handle negotiations are all useful tools. Here is a summary of tips that will help any business owner succeed at the negotiating table: -Have some ground…

Cash flow strategies for small businesses

Without profits and positive cash flow, a business is going to struggle to survive. This is why cash flow strategies should be taken seriously. Aim for long term financial stability When setting finance and cash flow goals for the business it is important to aim for long term stability.  Businesses should realistically assess how and…